Faculty of Arts and Humanities

BA (Honours) in Bangla

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Message from the Head of

Department of  Bangla

The newly established department of Bangla of Sonargaon University is committed to provide high quality education in Bangla Language and Literature with primary focus on the works of the two great Poets Rabindra Nath & Kazi Nazrul Islam as well as other contemporary Poet & Literary luminaries   utilizing all modern means of communication. The students are expected to be highly committed is their pursuit of acquiring knowledge in the subject of Bangla. After their four years of exposure leading degree of Bachelor of Arts (Hons)in Bangla. They will feel themselves academically strong enough of work in any branch of development, apart from teaching Bangla in various Institution. We welcome students from any discipline if they fulfill all admission requirements as mentioned in the University website.

The department of Bangla has excellent teaching staff capable of providing all kinds of academic supports. Students are encouraged of utilize the SU Library with the special corner equipped  with lot of Books and Journal on Bangla Language and literature.


Md.Shamim Sarker
Department of Bangla

Md.Shamim Sarker
Head (Acting)
B.A Honours(Bangla)
Taslima Begum
B.A Honours(Bangla)