Faculty of Science & Engineering

B.Sc. in Textile Engineering

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I have pleasure in welcoming you to the Department of Textile Engineering at Sonargaon University (SU).If you are interested in fibers, yarns, fabrics, color and design, garments we have a program for you.

The Department of Textile Engineering is facilitated with  highly qualified, dynamic, dedicated, and well-experienced faculty members (many of them have overseas qualifications) to build the best textile department in Bangladesh.

Due to the huge demands of skilled manpower in the textile fields, the aim of the program is to create textiles engineering graduates to meet the growing demand for the highest foreign currency earning sector of Bangladesh.

The Department has already established well equipped laboratories. We have a policy of updating and upgrading our labs on a continuous basis. We have a yarn manufacturing lab, fabric manufacturing lab (both weaving and knitting), wet processing lab, textile testing and quality control lab, sewing lab, engineering drawing lab, printing lab, computer lab, pattern lab etc.

Continuous change and challenging environments are the benchmarks of textile industry, If you wants to face this challenge, we will provide one of the best programs in the country.

Brig. Gen. (Retd) Prof. Habibur Rahman Kamal, ndc, psc
Head, Department of Textile Engineering 
Sonargaon University (SU)

Engr. Mohammad Abdul Baset
Textile Engineering
Textile Engineering